
Deep Learning for Genomics

A Colab notebook demonstrating using machine learning to classify genetic sequences, from the simple, training a Naive Bayes classifer, to the more complex - fine-tuning a 2.5 billion-parameter transformer model with Low-Rank Adaptation.

Local Biodiversity Map

Myiopsitta Monachus Ficus Carica

An interactive phylogenetic tree of all flora and fauna within a 1 km radius, based on GIS data analysis. plot / gallery

3D Globe Data Visualization

A visualization of songs associated with specific places, plotted on an interactive, 3-D globe. Points are color-coded according to NLP sentiment analysis of song lyrics. map / playlist

Massively Parallel Sequencing

Discovered a protein family that forms hydrophobic conduits critical for building the bacterial outer membrane, with implications for antibiotic development. paper / commentary

Science Communication

I've written about why the light from your phone breaks your internal clock and scientific deja vu.